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Pauline Prescott: New Pin-up of the Nancy Boys

Friday, February 13, 2009

Britain's former deputy PM John Prescott (a Gemini) claims on Twitter that his delightful wife Pauline is now a "gay icon". He says he has been reliably informed of this.

Pauline, who has just turned 70 and at her birthday din at a Hull Chinese restaurant received a silk shawl from guest Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, is certainly the Sphynx of the Lacquered Bouffant: she is a Kate Moss-like mute (and therefore, unsullied) exhibition of a certain brand of feminine aesthetic incorporating its own parody: I can think of a number of entertainers who would kill for such a paradoxical combo. Pauline is There but Not There, Pretty Vacant as a visual, an ornamental, an untouchable, a trophy virgin. Upon such a kohl-edged canvas, many a nancy boy will start to dream of the maquillage (before raiding mummy's vanity case and then graduating to Boots).

I do wish Holly Woodlawn had given me a more substantial interview.

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