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Duncan Fallowell, Holly Woodlawn and Marilyn

Friday, January 30, 2009

Veritas - who lost a crown on Rupert Everett's cockring - writes of Holly Woodlawn, Duncan Fallowell and Marilyn ...

Dear Madame
I fear the great Duncan Fallowell is slightly mistaken - it was actually Madisons at Camden Lock where Holly Woodlawn appeared. I know because I worked there as a handsome waiter (with a shiny new tooth) for its entire life and got quite pally with Holly. She was good fun. One night after the show I took her to El Sombrero where no-one had a clue who she was - except the terryifing one-time singer Marylin who looked liked Monroe at the time. They hated each other's guts on sight.

Duncan does remind me though - the truly wonderful (but I fear late?) Christopher Hunter owes me a week's wages from Country Cousins.


(Duncan wrote earlier ... I remember seeing Holly Woodlawn on stage at Country Cousins in the 1970s and rushing backstage into her dressing-room after the performance and exclaiming 'Holly, you must stop this! What are you doing to yourself?' I can't remember why I did it but I do recall Ms Woodlawn looking very surprised and asking very nicely for my ejection. Best, Duncan Fallowell)

And in case you're wondering, Marilyn's website.

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