The panties I purchased were the Belle De Nuit Brazilian Bikini. I had somewhat of a difficult time finding a great photo of these on line, so this one here will have to do. Just know that I bought mine in white, while the photo here is in black.
What drew me to these panties were the combination of delicate lace and soft satin. To me, it seemed like the best of both worlds. The panty is a brazilian style brief (a regular brief that is cut more narrow in the back), with the satin portion being the front of the brief and the lace being in the back.
The panty is incredibly comfortable. The satin feels soft and great while the lace edging in the front and full lace in the back feel very comfortable. It's certainly not the softest lace (that honor goes to La Perla in my book) but it's not at all scratchy either. In a minute or two after putting these on, they'll conform to your shape and feel comfortable all day long. So when you need a little extra sexy, these panties are perfect for the occasion.
They were originally priced at $158, but they've been marked down by over 50%. They now cost $76. Still probably too rich for everyday wear. But a decent price for the most special of occasions.
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