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Benedict Cumberbatch: Frankenstein stark naked and no small talk

Monday, February 21, 2011

Benedict Cumberbatch
Dearest Madame,

I see you are once more on holiday [sinced ended], but this is too good not to share given your love of celebrity cock on display (apart from John Barrowman's, which has been thrust in the face of 80% of the population of the North Atlantic seaboard).

I saw Frankenstein at the National last night. A questionable adaptation (Frankenstein himself is badly drawn and there's a lot of clunking punning on Paradise Lost) saved by wonderful lighting design and Benedict Cumberbatch who played the Creature the night I saw it.

It opens with the Creature's birth, which involves TV's Sherlock Holmes gadding around the stage stark naked for around ten minutes. No attempt is made to hide his manhood, which is on full display. I can also confirm he has very firm buttocks.

He's swapping the role nightly with Jonny Lee Miller (who, as Frankenstein was cruelly exposed as the ageing matinee idol he is) so doubtless he'll be on full display as well. Double portions!

As a sidenote, I was at university with Mr Cumberbatch, who was two years above me and very much destined for greatness at the tender age of 20. He was often to be found in the kitchen at parties talking with great intensity about acting. Hopeless at smalltalk, but then you do find with the very best actors that they're unsure as to how to be themselves.

I didn't manage to sneak a photo of the penis in question (the tuts would have been deafening) but perhaps another of your readers might?

Yours, as always, C x

Dear C

Thank you for your letter. Mr Cumberbatch would make a superb Doctor Who, naked or otherwise. Your failure to describe his cock is a matter of concern.

Best wishes

Madame Arcati

Frankenstein at the National Theatre, click here for details

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