Hello everyone! I'm Charles and I'm hear to tell you just a little bit about my own drawer-ful of stockings, tights, & leggings. When I was a little girl, I had these red tights and they matched my red earmuff. I wore them together all the time in the fall and winter. Now, I don't match all the time. Pattern mixing is so much fun and breaking up and ordinarily simple outfit by adding some funky tights can be chic ans stylish for any age. I've included a few of my personal favorite pairs from my collection in some of these photos. Last year was the first time I ever double layered tights! I did it with my much loved blue tights by HUE and pulled a pair of purple floral fishnets from UO over them for a funky look. By wearing them with some colorful accessories in a mostly-black outfit, I got a really cool new look.

There seems somewhat a divide of stockings fans vs. tights fans but I can honestly say I love both! They are both fabulous for different reasons. Tights can be guaranteed to give me that warmth and comfort when it's cold out and stockings are better for me when I want to feel a bit 50's pinup girl and take the garter belt out of storage. And the best thing is that nobody can tell you're wearing them (unless it's windy or you don't cross your legs proper). It just feels a little dangerous and fun once in a while. Plus with stockings, I don't have to worry about stretched out waistbands or pilling as I sometimes get with tights. When it comes to thigh high stockings, my two favorites are the ones with the back seams and my lace up back ones. They are kind of naughty so I make sure to wear them with classy outfits and not-so-high heels.
I even love leggings! Leggings are great when you just don't want to have to worry about runs. Also, I love wearing them with boots because I can wear thicker socks in the wintertime. I don't having many leggings. Just one simply gray/black pair with holes on one side leg and a pair that has zips at the bottom. I just bought the latter pair at DSW on sale, I think they would great with an oversize denim shirt, short skirt, and booties.
Fashion is just so much fun. I felt like I really wanted to share some of my own personal trials in tights, stockings, and leggings wear!

Socks are also really big this season. I love a good knee sock and rolled down ankle sock, I always have. The thing I'm against though is socks with too much open sandal. I refuse to see the style in it. I won't judge you if you love this style, but personally I just really don't like this look. I think the thing with trends is that you really have to choose which ones to avoid and follow, they are different for everyone. Sometimes it's fun to step out of your comfort zone but other times it's better to make up your own trends.

Don't forget to have fun!
Feel free to ask any questions.
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