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Sexy Greek comedy playing in Sydney until mid October

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Take Away Theatre and the Sydney Fringe present Baraki 2010, a sexy, provocative black comedy playing in a new Inner West theatre space from September through to October.

The story is about six young people who come together in a cool bar; they sing, dance and share a few laughs. But their world is about to be shaken and stirred. It's sexy and edgy theatre - interlaced with live music from Greece’s ‘new wave’ period.

Written by Bill Kokkaris (Parthenon Air, Night Journeys) Baraki 2010 is black comedy set against the current climate of world economic upheaval. Presented by Take Away Theatre and based on an original one-act version first performed at Newtown’s Steki restaurant, this full-length drama/cabaret is directed by highly regarded Melbourne actor/director Tony Nikolakopoulos (The Spook at the Malthouse, Wog Story, August Osage County for the MTC and Café Rebetika).

Baraki (which translates from colloquial Greek as ‘the little bar’ or ‘my bar’) is an entertaining Greek Australian cross between “Cheers” and “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. It’s also an official umbrella event of the 2010 Sydney Fringe. It plays Wednesday to Sunday for four weeks from 15 September in the specially fitted-out downstairs cabaret bar of the Cyprus Community Club in Stanmore.

Take Away Theatre is Sydney’s premiere Greek-Australian theatre company. Active for over 20 years and based in Marrickville, it has staged many popular and critically acclaimed productions including Grounds for Marriage, The Taming of the Strigla and Milk and Honey. Among its featured actors and directors have been Zoe Carides, Ada Nicodemou and Nicholas Papademetriou.

Starring Chris Argirousis, Veronica Clavijo, Giorgios Samartzis, Melinda Nassif, Sophia Kintominas and Aleko Kladas. With Tasoula Kallenou as the singer and Dimitra Tzodouris as the pianist. It plays from 15 September – 10 October, Wednesday to Saturday at 8pm, and Sunday at 7pm.

Downstairs Bar, Cyprus Community Club, 58 Stanmore Rd, Stanmore. Tickets are $30 and $25 for concession. Wednesdays: all $15. For bookings call 9990 4980, or email contact@takeawaytheatre.com.au

The organisers finish with a warning: "strong language… and strong drinks."

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