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Hey Hey It's Saturday - back on Saturdays this month.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

According to mUmbrella, Hey Hey It's Saturday is now moving to Saturday when it returns later this month.

The show, hosted by TV veteran Daryl Somers, returns to the network on October 16 at 7.30pm.

Earlier this year, two strongly rating reunion shows saw Channel Nine commission a new series of Hey Hey on Wednesday nights, though it struggled to rate more than a million and the series was put on hiatus.

Nine has said the move to Saturdays is “in direct response to audience feedback”.

Somers added: “We’ve heard the message loud and clear – viewers want to see Hey Hey back where it belongs on Saturday nights.”

Brace yourself people.

Bored? Why not don a Playboy bunny outfit, now for sale.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Yesterday I went to a Bras 'n' Things store. Not for me (I discovered earlier this year just how much a $100 voucher buys at a DFO outlet: about six good bras - some, my fave Playboy branded - and a few pairs of nice duds).

No, it was for my well endowed friend who was in need of new boob-slings.

While I was waiting and taking her boy for a spin in the pram, I noticed this little beauty.

It's a 50th anniversary Playboy 'bunny kit', which includes a bunny bow tie, cuffs, cufflinks, ears and tail.

Matching items can be purchased separately - the satin corset, matching boyleg panties, and lace top stay-up stockings.

Did I buy one? No. At 50 bucks I could think of cheaper ways to, er, dress up.

Today I saw it online. Half price, $25 bucks. Hmmm...

The bunny outfit was released for purchase for the first time earlier this year in the US, and at around the same time, The Real Housewives of New York star Kelly Bensimon posed for the March 2010 issue of Playboy, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the iconic get-up.

Interestingly, the Playboy bunny outfit was the first service uniform registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. The costume was made from rayon-satin constructed on a merry widow corset.

The uniforms were custom made for each bunny at the club they worked in, with a full time seamstress on duty (called the 'bunny mother').

The costumes were stocked in two pieces; the front part being pre-sewn in different bra cup sizes such as B or C cup, with the seamstress matching the bunnies' figure to the correct fitting front and back pieces. Then the two pieces were sewn together to fit each person perfectly.

The bunny mother was also adept at HR as well as acting as manager. She was in charge of scheduling work shifts, hiring, firing and training. Before every shift the club manager would weigh each bunny - bunnies could not gain or lose more than one pound (with exceptions being made for water retention). Yep, seriously.

Playboy Enterprises required all employees to turn in their costumes at the end of employment, with Playboy today holding several costumes in storage. Genuine bunny costumes in good condition are said to have sold for over $10,000. The only two bunny outfits on public display are in the collections of The Smithsonian and the Chicago History Museum.

And now, it seems... at Bras 'n' Things. See:


Australia's Next Top Model: Foxtel says the bungle was down to "human error".

Thursday, September 30, 2010

In a media release just in, the news is that Foxtel and production company Granada have concluded a thorough internal investigation following the broadcast of the final episode this week of Australia’s Next Top Model.

Both have accepted full responsibility for the fault which resulted in the wrong name of the winner being announced live to air. It has been confirmed that it was human error, and not a technical glitch, which caused the incident.

Brian Walsh, Executive Director of Television, said “It was important that FOXTEL, as broadcaster, and Granada, as the series producer, conducted our own review of Tuesday night’s events. In doing so, we have confirmed that the fault was a human communications error to the host Sarah Murdoch and that an assumption had been made by the producer which has now shown to be incorrect.

“Live television can be unpredictable and people can be forgiven for making a mistake. What isn’t acceptable, though, is any suggestion that the host, Sarah Murdoch, was at fault or that this was a publicity stunt. Nothing could be further from the truth and we apologise to Sarah for any embarrassment it, and the subsequent publicity, has caused her,” he said.

“We have also expressed our apologies to the two contestants, Amanda Ware and Kelsey Martinovich.”

Leonie Lowe, Managing Director of Granada Productions, said “We have identified where and how the error occurred and spoken at length with those responsible. They have conceded the mistake and have personally expressed their apology to Sarah.

“Both Granada and FOXTEL would like to express their thanks to Sarah for a marvellous job this season. She has gone beyond the call of duty, having gone back to work on the show just three weeks after having given birth to her daughter, Aerin. The show’s finale was a flawless piece of television up until that last moment when one producer simply got it wrong. We pride ourselves on the quality of our work and it’s disappointing that this communications error should overshadow what has been a wonderful series,” she said.


Thursday, September 30, 2010


7 Month Summer by Joy Newell

Man that wuz the best solution to a hot day everrr.

See the full film shoot here


Notebook magazine set to close

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Several news sites are stating that Notebook magazine is set to close.

According to B&T Today, more than 20 people worked on the title, with most being found jobs on other News Magazines titles, with a small number of redundancies.

Notebook’s circulation dropped 4% in the latest ABC audit. In the six months to June this year it had sales of 70,188 compared to 73,093 in the previous corresponding period.

News Magazines is expected to issue a statement shortly.

Notebook's average sales were 70,188 a month in the June half, down from 73,093 a year earlier. Soon after its August 2005 launch it was selling more than 100,000 copies a month.

The title was started by the Hannan family's FPC Magazines in August 2005 offering an alternative to the celebrity news and gossip rag.

It featured arrangements of flowers on each cover, although this format was later dropped in favour of a more traditional approach.

Initially, Notebook exceded its targets of 65,000 copies a month, with its first audited circulation in December 2005 coming in at about 96,000 copies.

News magazines took over the title in 2006 when it acquired FPC Magazines.

A $1 million relaunch of the magazine in 2008 - under new editor Caroline Roessler - did not reverse its sales slide, though. At the same time, the costly section bookmarks that were one of the magazine's differentiators was scrapped.

Ex-FPC magazines chief executive Michael McHugh was the brains behind the mag, and at first it sold upwards of 100,00 copies.

In the most recent ABC audit, Notebook had a circulation of 70,188 copies, down 3.97%year-on-year.

Sexy Greek comedy playing in Sydney until mid October

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Take Away Theatre and the Sydney Fringe present Baraki 2010, a sexy, provocative black comedy playing in a new Inner West theatre space from September through to October.

The story is about six young people who come together in a cool bar; they sing, dance and share a few laughs. But their world is about to be shaken and stirred. It's sexy and edgy theatre - interlaced with live music from Greece’s ‘new wave’ period.

Written by Bill Kokkaris (Parthenon Air, Night Journeys) Baraki 2010 is black comedy set against the current climate of world economic upheaval. Presented by Take Away Theatre and based on an original one-act version first performed at Newtown’s Steki restaurant, this full-length drama/cabaret is directed by highly regarded Melbourne actor/director Tony Nikolakopoulos (The Spook at the Malthouse, Wog Story, August Osage County for the MTC and Café Rebetika).

Baraki (which translates from colloquial Greek as ‘the little bar’ or ‘my bar’) is an entertaining Greek Australian cross between “Cheers” and “My Big Fat Greek Wedding”. It’s also an official umbrella event of the 2010 Sydney Fringe. It plays Wednesday to Sunday for four weeks from 15 September in the specially fitted-out downstairs cabaret bar of the Cyprus Community Club in Stanmore.

Take Away Theatre is Sydney’s premiere Greek-Australian theatre company. Active for over 20 years and based in Marrickville, it has staged many popular and critically acclaimed productions including Grounds for Marriage, The Taming of the Strigla and Milk and Honey. Among its featured actors and directors have been Zoe Carides, Ada Nicodemou and Nicholas Papademetriou.

Starring Chris Argirousis, Veronica Clavijo, Giorgios Samartzis, Melinda Nassif, Sophia Kintominas and Aleko Kladas. With Tasoula Kallenou as the singer and Dimitra Tzodouris as the pianist. It plays from 15 September – 10 October, Wednesday to Saturday at 8pm, and Sunday at 7pm.

Downstairs Bar, Cyprus Community Club, 58 Stanmore Rd, Stanmore. Tickets are $30 and $25 for concession. Wednesdays: all $15. For bookings call 9990 4980, or email contact@takeawaytheatre.com.au

The organisers finish with a warning: "strong language… and strong drinks."

Bad School Names

Thursday, September 30, 2010

These schools have some very funny names. Some can’t be helped because they just happen to be named after someone who just happens to have a humorous last name. But the other names are so ridiculously funny that someone should have known better.

Temptation Thursday: New Collection by Malizia

Thursday, September 30, 2010

The latest collection from Malizia by La Perla is called the Romance collection. This is quite a coincidence, of course, since I'm in love with every last piece within this collection. The collection is, as is often the case with La Perla, a beautiful blend of tulle and lace. The detail is exquisite.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Vale Tony Curtis - most memorable man in drag.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hollywood actor Tony Curtis has died of cardiac arrest at age 85, while at his Las Vegas home.

Even though he earned an Oscar nomination for his role as a an escaped convict in The Defiant Ones, Curtis was best remembered for his role alongside Jack Lemmon and Marilyn Monroe in the Billy Wilder 1959 comedy classic Some Like It Hot. He certainly did rock the dress and heels combo, but the captain's outfit he wore in this flick did it for me.

That movie made me appreciate old-school, slapstick style comedy. And he represented for me one of my first crushes (equal first was the handsome Elvis Presley). Tony Curtis was just too gorgeous in this movie. Amidst the ill-fitting dresses and bad make-up, it was difficult not to notice how incredibly dashing Curtis was.

In the cult flick, Curtis plays a jazz musician on the run from the mob alongside crazy cohort Jack Lemmon. Along the way, they get more than acquainted with singer Sugar Kane (played by Marilyn Monroe). The hijinks they get up to along the way are hilarious. I could watch that movie again and again. If only to stare at Curtis.

Curtis was the son of Jewish immigrants from Hungary, and was born Bernard Schwartz in New York, in 1925 and survived the Great Depression, and abusive mother, and being sent to an institution.

After a stint in the navy during World War II, Curtis began acting lessons in New York and soon landed a contract with Universal Pictures in 1948.

Off screen, Curtis was said to be legendary for his ways with women, which resulted in six marriages and liaisons with such Hollywood icons as Monroe and Natalie Wood. His first marriage in 1951 was to actress Janet Leigh, his co-star Houdini, and that produced two daughters including actress Jamie Lee Curtis (she with the rockin' bod in True Lies, A Fish Called Wanda, and more).

Curtis's career was thrown off track somewhat in 1962 when he divorced Leigh after an affair with a 17-year-old German actress named Christine Kaufmann, whom he married the next year. That marriage lasted five years, and after divorcing her, he married 23-year-old model Leslie Allen.

Until the day he died he remained committed to his last wife, Jill Vandenberg, to whom he was married for almost 12 years.

He had four daughters, and one son, who overdosed at age 23.

His daughter Jamie Lee said: "My father leaves behind a legacy of great performances in movies and in his paintings and assemblages. He leaves behind children and their families who loved him and respected him and a wife and in-laws who were devoted to him. He also leaves behind fans all over the world. He will be greatly missed.."



Wednesday, September 29, 2010


You don't like Dries you suck. Dries. Foreva.


Dying for that purple ombre blazer, those slouchy denim trousers, all of the lazily-hanging silk jackets, and loving the tapered skirts and flowing sheers.

DVN Spring 2011


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