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bloody sunday

Sunday, May 31, 2009





Dear new boots,
I adore you. You are marvelous in 
every way imaginable.

I decided I would rock my new Docs today...with the overcast weather they just seemed so perfect. And they are so damn comfy! I have to play around with them some more and figure out what I am going to pair them with besides uber-skinnies.


F21 batwing sweater, random beanie from a gazillion years ago, roxy skinny jeans, Doc Marten boots.

Smile darlings,

Michael Gross: Only 'spectacularly minor' changes made to Rogues' Gallery

Sunday, May 31, 2009

The US writer Michael Gross has asked me to put up this clarification on reported changes he is making to future editions (and perhaps the UK edition?) of his new book Rogues' Gallery: The Secret History of the Moguls and the Money That Made the Metropolitan Museum which has apparently so upset New York social swan Annette de la Renta. The Independent's follow-up to my interview with Michael may have led some to think that he is making substantive alterations, but that's not the case:

"Just to clear this up - if such is possible - I have made precisely one change in future editions -and I think it "spectacularly minor" in the extreme. An objection was made to my description of an obituary that was missing mention of four accomplishments by the deceased. Future editions will be corrected to say the obituary was missing two accomplishments. And as a courtesy, I have added a footnote stating that a certain party who ignored six separate requests for comment before publication denies one contention made in the dozens of pages of text about said party and her family. I also intend to correct some equally spectacularly minor spelling errors and a slight misstatement of Hermann Goering's multitude of titles. Wouldn't want to offend a Nazi, would we?"

blows my mind but its like that

Saturday, May 30, 2009


This ed is deliciously wild. Certainly these photos are a favorite out of all the things that have hit 
my eyes these past couple weeks.

Full Fashion Portraits by Mario Sorrenti. I have been webbing his photography like no other. I am obssessed.

now gimmeakiss,

Anna Wintour and the curious case of the exorcism

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Can it be true that US Vogue editor Anna Wintour wanted to have an exorcism conducted in her office after seeing The Devil Wears Prada? This is what one well-informed Arcatiste tells me. The "exorcism took the form of a fumigation and redecoration. And she asked her friend, the photographer Eric Boman (Blahnik by Boman) to hang some of his tastefully bland photos on the walls.

"Anna thought Eric's photos were very soothing and hoped they would change the decor a la blamange. She told Eric she wanted all traces of 'that bitch' exorcised for an eternity!" This is thought to be a reference to the infamous Miranda Priestley character played in the pic by Meryl Streep, plainly modelled on Wintour.

However, novelist and famed gosser Frances Lynn has something further to add: "I hear Anna Wintour asked Eric Boman to hang his soothing snaps on her office walls AFTER the exorcism ... she wanted a complete New Look."

Can anyone shed further light on the precise nature of the exorcism? Was it anything like this:?

fresh ta death she is

Friday, May 29, 2009

Raquel Zimmerman in Vogue Italia by Mario Sorrenti

I dream of bell bottoms as magnificent as Balmain's. Love the energy of these photos.


Truck Art of Pakistan

Friday, May 29, 2009

Just like the Billboard painting performed in Pakistan, there is another indigenous form of art performed in Pakistan and it is the Truck Painting. With its all colorful floral patterns, depiction of human heroes with creative aspect ratios, calligraphy of poetic verses and driver’s words of wisdom, this form of art is truly a part of Pakistani transport tradition.

This art is so Pakistani, that the freight trucks which are built by Ford, General Motors, Hino Pak etc in beautiful aerodynamic shapes are first retro-fitted with very Pakistani stlye bodies and a special ‘viewing deck’ at the top of Driver’s cab. The ‘viewing deck’ is a very multipurpose extra space. It is used by ‘cleaners’ to sleep at night and also to load extra luggage when needed.

These truck bodies are then immaculately painted by the street artists who can be found at Truck stands all across the country. e.g. Hawkes Bay/Mauripur Road Road Karachi, Pir Wadhai Rawalpindi, Badami Bagh Lahore, Sariab Road Quetta etc. These hired artists then paint the whole truck in brightly colored patterns. It is said that everty city’s artists have perfected their art in their own signature way. Trucks decorated in Quetta and Peshawar get lots of wood trimming where as those in Rawalpindi get lots of plastic decoration. Karachi excels in using reflective tapes, also called ‘chamak patty’ in local language. Camel bone decoration is used by artists of rural Sindh.

Vanessa Neumann: MPs' expenses "source" named?

Friday, May 29, 2009

Someone on Twitter asked me the other day about Arcati's dear friend William Cash: I hadn't written about him for some time, I was reminded, and what was the fellow up to. I haven't the foggiest: still writing about the rich, I guess - and comforting his MP dad Bill Cash and sister Laetitia after this morning's news in the Telegraph, I suppose. Fancy getting the taxpayer to bankroll his rent for Laetitia's flat when he owned another flat already in London. Oh well. I've heard worse.

It is William's wife Dr Vanessa Neumann - the Venezuelan intellectual and so-called "Cracker from Caracas" after her Mick Jagger fling - who interests me more, to be honest. She and William parted a while ago. Vanessa now writes a blog on her elegant website, click here. I see in her bio she makes no mention of William: we learn of her four degrees, the six languages she can speak or read. Among other things she's editor-at-large of something called Diplomat magazine. Here she is rubbishing Hugo Chavez.

Happily, we learn that the pair (Vanessa and William, that is) are still on speaks. On May 17, 2009, she quotes William's good advice about attending a society birthday party in London: "'You must be prepared; that’s the key to these things,' said my husband, who is highly perspicacious but rarely prepared for anything." Such are the perils of intimacy: familiarity. See Katie and Peter, too.

The May 23 posting - on my birthday - grips the eye: she appears to name the "source" in the MPs' expenses scandal: one Heather Brooke, an investigative journalist. But hold on, not quite. Later in the piece, we learn that Vanessa is still unsure of the identity of the whistleblower despite this claim in her opening par: "The identity of the source remains a mystery. No longer."

Then again, in her last par she comments of the Telegraph: "[They] have reinvented themselves as the clever kids on Fleet Street and are the real winners in the scandal - except for maybe Ms Brooke, whose journalism career will now be assured." I'm confused. We can agree Brooke started the litigation ball rolling on MPs' expenses transparency in 2005, but does that justify Vanessa's headline: "Anonymous No More: Meet the UK’s Deep Throat"? Click here and tell me what Vanessa's saying. I haven't a clue.

Folded Paper Art by Simon Schubert

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Simon Schubert is a German artist and sculptor. He uses paper creases and folds to create incredible works of art. He also does portraits and all the reflections in the mirrors.

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