I'm refreshed and ready to get back to the questions. There's still plenty left, so let's get started.
From Lilly:
Do you any other clothing to be anywhere near as fun, sexy, elegant, playful, dark or bright, for the old and the young and in between as versatile as tights? (Gloves for example).
Wow. That's quite a list.
Of course I guess I could have copied and pasted that list in response to the "why are you a Tights Lover?" questions. They are definitely all of those things. I like how a style like fishnets, for example, can often be associated with the punk or rocker girl scene can just as easily translate into any of a number of other different looks depending upon what they are paired with. The always great thing about tights is how they can help enhance any look you are going for.
That said, I guess I can't. Tights can go back and forth from clothing to accessory in that sort of way. The same way you can enhance a look with jewelry, for example, you can with tights.
From Sheen V of Sheen V's Place:
I'd like to know what's in your lingerie drawers. What do you wear every day? What's for special occasions? Anything that surprised you?
For everyday, I tend to lean some of the value brands I discussed in an earlier post. For tights, I have several go-to brands, such as Jonathan Aston, Pamela Mann, and Aristoc, as well as Levante and Charnos. If you shop online, there are tons of great value brands when it comes to leg wear. For lingerie, there are definitely a few things I like at Victoria's Secret. The Body by Victoria line is certainly great for every day wear, as is the cotton collection...but not as much fun to profile here. For department store brands I sometimes will buy Maidenform. Their products are super comfortable and make great everyday wear as well.
For more special leg wear, there's always Wolford. Of course there are other great brands beyond that. I've always loved Falke and have more recently fallen in love with MaxMara and Fogal. They're all a little on the pricier side, but you'll never complain about fit, feel, and quality. For nicer lingerie, I love Cosabella, and the good thing about them is that I can find them in many of the smaller lingerie boutiques that can often be nicer to shop at as opposed to a VS. I also love Wolford's lingerie line. Seriously, they don't know how to make anything that doesn't look good. I also own a precious few things from La Perla and Aubade, but that definitely falls under very special occasion wear.
One of the things that has surprised me the most is how difficult it can be to look at a pair of panties in a store and figure out how they're going to fit. Sometimes I'll see a pair and think that they'll come up high, and they'll actually sit quite low. Often times I'll see panties with a lot of lace and assume they'll feel scratchy, only to discover they're quite comfortable.
From Dark Heathyr of TGirl Revelations:
I'd love to know what the one, sought after, unattainable garment is...the one that keeps you up at night.
Awesome questions, but....one?? I tend to do one or two lust posts a week.
And yet...this is an easy one to answer. I'm sure the 'unattainable garment' changes from time to time but right now it is this. Behold:
Eres Chimere Evan Shelf Bodysuit
...and now a moment of silence.
Okay, I'm back.
From Grace of Squarectomy:
If tights weren't your weakness, what would come next?
Lists would...that's what.
5. Camisoles. A nice can have all the lace and detail of a gorgeous bra, but cover the entire upper torso.
4. Slips. This is for the vintage lingerie lover in me. Really, when it comes to lingerie, what feels better than a slip? ...and I've never heard anyone complain about how they looked either.
3. Bodysuits. I mean, you saw the photo above, right? No more need be said. ...But just in case...it's like the perfect matching bra and panty set. Only, it's all in one piece...
2. Suspender/Garter belts. Again, there's plenty of ways to go here, but I always lean towards the vintage look when it comes to garter belts.
1. Panties. Of course, right? I only named my blog after it :-).

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