Quentin Crisp's spirit pops up in Australia. Photo Panja Jurgens: Crisp as the Angel of Peace
Did you know the Spirit World has an agent-cum-PR on the earth plain? Not something you're likely to read in your average newspaper diary, is it? - thank goodness for free-thinking blogs!
The PR in question is called Zerdin Phenomenal - or Phenonemal as pronounced on its website audio - appointed by the departed (or the Other Side) to arrange psychic tours, materialisation events and medium demonstrations around the world.
One of its more interesting recent claimed spirit materialisations is that of Quentin Crisp, as witnessed by Arcati's friend in Australia, the retired lawyer Victor Zammit - B.A. (Psych.) (Univ.of NSW), Grad. Dip.Ed. (Syd. Coll. Adv. Educ now Univ.Tech.Syd.), Dip. Hypn. - (from the School of Hypnotic Sciences - adjunct to a major in Psychology), M.A. (Legal Hist.,Constl. Law) (Univ.of NSW), LL.B. (Univ.of NSW), Ph.D., lawyer, ... a retired attorney of the Supreme Court of the New South Wales and the High Court of Australia. No less.
Victor reports that Quentin - or Quinton as he calls him - was in "top form" and treated his audience to his "usual sharp wit". And his "voice was particularly clear and sharp." If only the Psychic World paper had also run the transcript! Details details details, darlings. And then some. A report without details is a mere burp in a typhoon.
Meantime, back to Zerdin. Could someone repair its website Spirit Voices audio. There aren't any.
So in the absence of a tranny - I mean transcript - I'm playing this (I'm sure Quentin would appreciate it)
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