I'm fairly certain that I'll never pay $1,340 for a single piece of lingerie. Unless the proverbial rich uncle leaves behind his entire estate to me, even I, as impulsive as I can sometimes be when it comes to lingerie, have to draw the line way, way, waaaaay before this price.
But should that knock come on my door some day and should that check be handed down to me courtesy of the uncle I never knew I had it'll be an easy decision. There is no $1,340 dollar piece of lingerie in the world that I want more than the Bondage Angela Fin Dress by Bordelle.

Bordelle, as they're known to do, makes this piece out of banding, done in different colors and different directions. This also includes gold zippers and patent leather fins (seriously, who comes up with these details?!?). It has shoulder straps, black cups, and a body-hugging shape that ends with 4 removable garters...as of yet, Bordelle has not come up with the banded stockings...but give 'em time...I have faith in them.
The dress is made from polyester, polyamide, and elastane....exclusive of zippers and patent leather, of course.
I defy you to find anything more unique and creative. It certainly is interesting to look at...and I will only imagine what it is like to wear.
Rich uncle...where are you?
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