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Blogger: A little indisposed. Alas

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My apologies for lost comments, disrupted stats and other whatnot. Blogger, which hosts this site, is reporting technical problems, particularly with sites that carry an 'interstitial' adult content notice: click here to read more.

I haven't a clue what Blogger is doing about it as the company does not communicate with its 'publishers'. Instead, it has forums where bloggers write at length for cathartic reasons and are generally ignored. Periodically, an unpaid someone pretending to represent the company either acknowledges the problem in hand and writes something incomprehensible or refers you to other forums via a three-line link comprising lots of numbers and ampersands and noughts.

This is what happens when a company festers into a monopoly and hires people with beards, bad teeth and large scrotal sacs.

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