Silly cunt AA Gill strikes a pose
A rat's life has been valued at £2,000. This is ITV's fine for the killing and eating of the rodent on I'm A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here! by famished contestants. The Australian RSPCA explained that the creature suffered unnecessarily for 90 seconds before death. "The animal was killed for a TV show, that's not appropriate," it added. Report.
Quite so. I wonder then how much the Sunday Times TV and food critic AA Gill would have been fined by the Australian RSPCA in similar circumstances. Last year he admitted in one of his wittering restaurant reviews to the killing of a baboon on a Tanzanian jaunt. He shot the beast just to see what it was like to kill a primate. He wrote: "A soft-nosed .357 blew his lungs out. We paced the ground. The air was filled with a furious keening of his tribe. Two hundred and fifty yards. Not a bad shot." Baboons live in troops not tribes.
Plainly, the baboon was shot for copy. To write a few entertaining paragraphs for his paper. Whether it died instantly we cannot know, but certainly its "tribe" was distressed. Given that baboons are highly intelligent with a likely sentience similar to our own, what do you think? £50,000? Perhaps his paper would like to make a donation to a charity.
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